The Divert load resistors are used in conjunction with our NC25A and NCHC controllers. A divert load is required on systems using any generator or alternator power source to provide a load path for the power when the battery can no longer take additional charge. This load prevents the generator or alternator from over speeding and also keeps the voltage within safe limits during the Divert stage of the charge process. The ceramic wire wound resistors can be wired in different configurations for different amperage requirements and different voltages.

These units do generate some heat and need to be mounted in an area where there is some air circulation.

Available models

RES/DVT12-30 is configured for a 12 volt system and will provide a 30 amp load.

RES/DVT12-15 is configured for a 12 volt system and will provide a 15 amp load using only one resistor.

RES/DVT24-15 is configured for a 24 volt system and will provide a 15 amp load using 2 resistors.

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